Using AMC-txt

Added by Juan Carlos Rojas about 7 years ago

Hi, I have a survey with 30 items. I put a sex item. And I need it in the first place, but I can’t do it. I use AMC-TXT. Can Anyone help me. I attach the script. Thanks

Saludos, estoy haciendo un cuestionario con 30 preguntas, en las que una de estas es sexo, con 2 opciones, trato de ponerla en el inicio del documento, pero el orden aparece de forma aleatoria, como no se LaTex, utilizo AMC-Tex, adjunto el archivo. Que puedo hacer para que me funcione ?

Juan Carlos Rojas.

simple.txt - A AMC-Txt script (1.5 kB)

Replies (3)

RE: Using AMC-txt - Added by Gregory F about 7 years ago

Ola Juan,

I am not that familiar with AMC-TXT, but I think the solution to your issue is to use the question option "first" for your demographic questions (see section 4.3.1 of the manual).

Please find enclosed a modified version of your sample script with your 3, un-shuffled, demographics plus 2 shuffled dummy questions.

In addition, if you want to go further, you can get the file "DOC-filtered.tex" which is automatically created and contains the LaTeX version of you subject. You can change it without having to deal too much with LaTeX and use it as a source for a new project.

Hope this helps.


simple.txt (1.6 kB)

RE: Using AMC-txt - Added by Juan Carlos Rojas about 7 years ago

Hi Gregory, thanks for your help. I used your example. After trying a lot I realized that I need to change the source file, and not the original. And that's fixed the problem.

RE: Using AMC-txt - Added by Gregory F about 7 years ago

Hi Juan,
I’m glad it worked.
It still often happens to me too. Not knowing we my whacked don’t apply and trying three times before realizing:-)

