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Non scores with the new version 1.3.0
Added by Raffaele Borrelli over 8 years ago
I have installed the new version of AMC (1.3.0) on OS X and compiled it following the instructions on the website.
The compilation is successful, and I can generate the tests. Everything is fine but when I try to score the tests I get no
results. Only zeros everywhere in the scoring table.
Student association was working with the previous version but is not working in this version.
I am attaching the log (with debug enabled).
Any help is appreciated.
Replies (4)
RE: No scores with the new version 1.3.0
Added by Raffaele Borrelli over 8 years ago
Hi all,
I am still trying to understand what is happening but I can't figure it out.
First of all the new version of AMC complains about a missing AMCcode and this means that the identification process is totally gone.
My source contains the command \AMCcode and works fine with the previous version of AMC.
The worst part is that after the mark procedure the results are completely missing.
The mean value is zero and the table with scores is completely empty.
Any help is appreciated,
RE: Non scores with the new version 1.3.0
Added by Raffaele Borrelli over 8 years ago
Sorry I have to compress the debug file (it's too large).
Here it is.
AMC-DEBUG-f8o9r248.log.gz (1.7 MB)
RE: Non scores with the new version 1.3.0
Added by Frédéric Bréal over 8 years ago
similar problem here
solution : check if the file (automultiplechoice.sty, version 1.2) is really deleted
Sorry, i can't help more
RE: Non scores with the new version 1.3.0 [solved]
Added by Raffaele Borrelli over 8 years ago
You are right! I have a previous version of the .sty file in my texmf directory.
After removing the 1.2.1 version of automultiplechoice.sty everything works fine (except for the fact that I can't use the scans, since the old .srty file and the new one produced a very different layout of the tests, luckily enough I could switch to version 1.2.1).