About "2. All questions (except indicative ones) scores are added to get the student total score."

Added by Pedro Cruz about 9 years ago

Dear Alexis,

is it possible to use another rule other than:

  • "2. All questions (except indicative ones) scores are added to get the student total score."

as it is written on manual on section 6.5.4 ?
Probably, this has been answered but after many searches I've stopped.

We are mixing single choice questions with open questions and don't want that "negative points in the sum of single-choice" to be added to open questions points.

Thank you very much,


Replies (1)

RE: About "2. All questions (except indicative ones) scores are added to get the student total score." - Added by shreikant kv about 9 years ago

When you give question labels like "geometry", "derivative" etc. give them as
"s:geometry" "s:derivative" "o:longessay" etc. Later you will be able to score groups
if you are using a more "recent" version of AMC.
