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"16977 scans were not recognized." - see attached image, please.
Added by Pedro Cruz about 9 years ago
what does mean the sentence on the subject that could be read in my AMC application interface ?
I've checked randomly scaned papers at they look well scanned and I also could use the automatic grade tool.
By mistake i've scanned in color so some marks are in blue.
Thank you,
51.png - Image from AMC use. (114.2 kB)
Replies (8)
RE: "16977 scans were not recognized." - see attached image, please.
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 9 years ago
Try the Look at scans button to see which scans are not recognized.
RE: "16977 scans were not recognized." - see attached image, please.
Added by Pedro Cruz about 9 years ago
Hi Alexis,
Thank you for your fast reply.
I think the problem with
"16977 scans were not recognized."
could have its root in this steps:
(1) A previous scan had mistakes because of a bad prepared latex file
(we tried to dynamically change questions without using AMC macros).
(2) We did have "reset" the project, with a fresh tex file using AMC
macros, and producing a new pdf for students; The scan+grading is ok
but the warning message is there.
(3) But just now, I scanned, again, only 4 sheets, and the number of
errors is now 17153 (increased 180 errors ! ) but the 4 sheets have
been correctly scanned, recognized, and graded.
In a couple of weeks we will use AMC again but with a fresh project
and this will disappear. But it seems that I missed some step between a failed attempt (layout did not recognized) and the good tex file.
Thank you.
RE: "16977 scans were not recognized." - see attached image, please.
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 9 years ago
This looks weird.
If you can reproduce this problem from a fresh project with a minimal source file, it could help us a lot to analyze what goes wrong (and correct AMC).
RE: "16977 scans were not recognized." - see attached image, please.
Added by Pedro Cruz about 9 years ago
(1) I've created a fresh project and there are 116 unrecognized scans only from 8 pages.
(300 ppt, "COLOR mode")
(2) Attached are two images from the button "_Look at scans_"
(I don't understand the funcion of this button and why is it trying to recognize numbers and full paragraphs?)
(3) I cannot send the original groups.tex file but, inside of it, we are using this latex macros from AMC:
\cleargroup{all} \shufflegroup{ED} \copygroup[1]{ED}{all} \shufflegroup{Bayes} \copygroup[1]{Bayes}{all} \shufflegroup{Discretas} \copygroup[1]{Discretas}{all} \shufflegroup{Geometrica} \copygroup[1]{Geometrica}{all} \shufflegroup{Poisson} \copygroup[1]{Poisson}{all} \shufflegroup{Uniforme} \copygroup[1]{Uniforme}{all} \shufflegroup{Normal} \copygroup[1]{Normal}{all} \shufflegroup{TLC} \copygroup[1]{TLC}{all} \shufflegroup{all} \insertgroup{all}
Thank you.
RE: "16977 scans were not recognized." - see attached image, please.
Added by Pedro Cruz about 9 years ago
Dear Alexis,
After the 4th test and after changing tex files, color/black modes, and other factors: it's not a bug but now I suggest a new feature.
(1) Our new printers/scanners have the mode "Compacted PDF" active and that button appear in the middle of "tons" of buttons.
(2) Choosing "PDF" and not "Compact PDF" stop producing the error.
New feature: warn the user that the PDF is not regular and that could cause problems.
Thank you for giving me the direction that the problem could not be in the appilcation.
RE: "16977 scans were not recognized." - see attached image, please.
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 9 years ago
Thank you very much for your persistence!
Can you post a sample "compacted PDF" file so that we can see how we can detect such files and warn users?
RE: "16977 scans were not recognized." - see attached image, please.
Added by Pedro Cruz about 9 years ago
Attached are THREE files:
- the "compacted PDF" that caused all warning messages about "scan were not recognized" but that after all it seems AMC recognize the "check boxes" well.
- a "normal" PDF file of doc-sujet.pdf.
- the "groups.tex" file with the sample we used to produce the DOC-SUJET.pdf.
- I just tried the scanning the same doc-sujet.pdf in non compacted pdf, pure black and white, 200x200, and all goes well.
- However, after pressing "Automatic" (in Data capture tab), the warnings DO NOT go away with the correct file (still present the same number of warning even with a good file)
Best regards,
RE: "16977 scans were not recognized." - see attached image, please.
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 9 years ago
Thanks: I will have a look.
the warnings DO NOT go away with the correct file
The warnings don't go away unless you remove the unrecognized scans from the Look at scans window.