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Disabling shuffling
Added by S K almost 10 years ago
I apologize in advance if my question is answered elsewhere on the forum, and please feel free to move it to that thread.
So far my experience with AMC+Ubuntu 12.04 has been perfect. What I liked, among other things, was that AMC shuffles the A-B-C-D options from paper to paper,
making it much harder to cheat.
But for the final exam, however, to make it more "uniform" I need to disable that feature, because their answers will on a separate sheet.
I can imagine I should have a look at the source code of AMC, but maybe someone could give me (and others) a heads-up and save us all time?
So, what needs to be done (if editing the source -- where) in order for the options not to be shuffled, and be the same for all students?
Thank you!
Replies (4)
RE: Disabling shuffling
Added by Anirvan Sarkar almost 10 years ago
RE: Disabling shuffling
Added by S K almost 10 years ago
Thanks for drawing my attention to the package options, Anirvan! Plenty of useful options indeed. I'm using LaTeX version.
RE: Disabling shuffling
Added by Josef Eiglsperger over 2 years ago
Anirvan Sarkar wrote:
If you are using LaTex as source file for your questions add the
package option.If you are using AMC-TXT as source file for your questions use the
option with value 0.
I'm using the latex version, and the option @noshuffle* indeed keeps the answers to a question in the same order. But how can I keep the order of the questions for every student/sheet in the same oder?
RE: Disabling shuffling
Added by Rakesh Jana almost 2 years ago
As previously mentioned, to prevent shuffling of options, include the
noshuffleoption when calling the
automultiplechoicepackage in your LaTeX file.
To avoid the grouping of questions, ensure to clear the group before inserting that. For instance, if you want to add "groupA," use the following code in your LaTeX file:
\cleargroup{groupA} \insertgroup{groupA}
Hope it works. Thanks