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Test version, AM-TXT bold and italic options do not work
Added by Nikola Z. Guscic almost 10 years ago
When the question compiles I see no discernible difference in the between normal and 'bold' text.
I've tried using LaTex options \emph{} and \textbf{} and also see no difference. The test version has been updated last night.
**[columns=3,ordered,indicative,question=First Choice,name=First Choice]{mz=0,auto=1} [*FIRST CHOICE*] If you chose Coordinated Science option you may select \emph{three} additional subjects as a first choice. If you chose Specialized Sciences option you may select \emph{two} additional subjects as a first choice. - Geography - History + Travel and Tourism - Economy - Business Studies
AMCtextDYtemplate.tex - Minimal example (3.1 kB)
Replies (2)
RE: Test version, AM-TXT bold and italic options do not work
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 10 years ago
RE: Test version, AM-TXT bold and italic options do not work
Added by Nikola Z. Guscic almost 10 years ago
Thank you for your reply.
Using the test version, as a quick fix I renamed DOC-filtered.tex to source.tex and switched the project to LaTex instead of AMC-TXT mode. I chose xelatex as a LaTex engine under Edit/Preferences/Project. I added two lines to the document preamble:
\usepackage{biolinum} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
Now italics, bold and emphasis render properly again. One could also use LibertineMono instead of biolinum but with LibertineRoman, bold and italics don't work. If I add the same code to LaTex-Preamble in the original AMC-TXT file, it doesn't make a difference.