What should I tell students to do if they make a mistake?
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Forums » Using AMC (english) »
Added by Bart van Beek over 10 years ago
Sometimes students will check a box but change their mind after having done so. I want to instruct them (on the test) on how to act in these circumstances. Also I want to tell them what is the "correct" way for filling in the test. How best to do so?
To un-tick a box, using what we call "typpex" in French is OK, but don't try to redraw the empty box!
To fill a test with letter inside boxes, darken the box entirely.
To fill a box without letters inside, any significant writing near the center of the box should be sufficient.
Maybe make tests and add some sample from the previous real tests with students to show them what is considered as being ticked and what is not.