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AMC doesn't work with unicode-math (LuaLaTeX)?
Added by Davide G.M. Salvetti almost 11 years ago
I'm unable to mix \usepackage{unicode-math} with LuaLaTex and AMC.
Consider the attached `a.tex' file: compiling with `lualatex a' works as expected; uncommenting `\usepackage{unicode-math}' and compiling with `lualatex a' does not give errors, but doesn't work as expected: there appears no `Question 1' where it should, one gets `?q' instead, where `q' is the question label. Moreover, adding the `box' option as in `\usepackage[box]{automultiplechoice}' results in errors (see attached file a.log).
I'm having troubles understanding what happens behind the scences, could somebody help me?
-- Davide G.M. Salvetti
Replies (2)
RE: AMC doesn't work with unicode-math (LuaLaTeX)?
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 11 years ago
The same problem occurs with xelatex
It seems that unicode-math
redefines the \question
command through the unicode-math-table.tex
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"0003F}{\question }{\mathord}{question mark}%
This breaks AMC's
environment.Try to change this line to something like
\UnicodeMathSymbol{"0003F}{\tquestion }{\mathord}{question mark}%
This is obviously not a good solution, but let's first see if it works.
RE: AMC doesn't work with unicode-math (LuaLaTeX)?
Added by Davide G.M. Salvetti almost 11 years ago
Thank you, I can confirm it works.
FTR, I copied the `unicode-math-table.tex' file into the project directory, edited it with `s/\question/\questionmark/' and verified that everything works as expected.