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\AMCcleardoublepage vs \cleardoublepage
Added by Raffaele Borrelli almost 11 years ago
Hi all, I am using AMC tu generate a set of non-identical tests, however I have noticed a strange behaviour
of \AMCcleardoublepage. I am usig \AMCcleardoublepage to force a section of the test and the answersheet on a new odd page,
however the way I use it is probably wrong since the section that should start with an odd numbered page
is actually on an even numbered page. I have trind tu use the simple latex command \cleardoublepage, however
even in this case I don't always get the proper sequence of pages.
The relevant part of the code is the following.
\onecopy{10}{ \begin{center} {\bf Parte I} \\ {\bf Domande a risposta multipla} \end{center} \shufflegroup{Test} \insertgroup{Test} \vspace*{3em} \framebox{ \begin{minipage}[t]{0.8\textwidth} \centering {\LARGE STOP} \\ \end{minipage} } \AMCcleardoublepage \begin{center} {\bf Parte II} \\ {\bf Domande a risposta libera} \end{center} \insertgroup{FreeAnswer} \includegraphics[angle=90,height=\textheight,keepaspectratio]{tavola-periodica.png} \input{formulario.tex} \AMCcleardoublepage \AMCformBegin {\large\bf Foglio di risposte} \vspace*{\baselineskip} \hrule \vspace*{2\baselineskip} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.4\textwidth} \vspace{0pt} \textbf{Matricola}: \vspace{\baselineskip} \AMCcode{matricola}{6} \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.45\textwidth} \vspace{3\baselineskip} {\noindent\itshape {\bf Istruzioni} \noindent Annerire completamente i riquadri a sinistra con le cifre del numero di matricola (una cifra per colonna). \vspace{\baselineskip} \noindent Per ciascuna delle domande, annerire completamente nella parte sottostante, il riquadro corrispondente alla risposta data. Usare un pennarello nero, colorando tutto l'interno di ciascun riquadro. Non sono ammesse correzioni. } \end{minipage} \vspace{6ex} \namefield{ \begin{minipage}{\textwidth} {\bf Cognome}:\dotfill {\bf Nome}: \dotfill {\bf Firma}: \dotfill \end{minipage} } \vspace{3ex} \hrule %% begin header \begin{center} {\bf Segnare le risposte alle domande a scelta multipla.} \end{center} %% end header \begin{multicols}{3} \AMCform \end{multicols} \hrule \AMCcleardoublepage }
Attached is the output of AMC.
Thanks in advace for your help.
test1.pdf (733.5 kB)
Replies (4)
RE: \AMCcleardoublepage vs \cleardoublepage - Added by s k almost 11 years ago
Sorry I'm not able to help you as I'm a newbie to both LaTex.
However I'm requesting Your help!
Basically I came here to AMC as I'm planning to conduct test for my students. I'm a non-IT person.
I wish to make an answer sheet of 60 answers on one page. Similar to the one on the last page of your attached questionnaire (test1.pdf).
Can you please provide me LaTex code for making 60 only-answer sheet?
Waiting for your reply!
RE: \AMCcleardoublepage vs \cleardoublepage - Added by Raffaele Borrelli almost 11 years ago
Well just change the argument of the command \onecopy.
In my case I have \onecopy{250}{...}
you should instead use the command \onecopy{60}{...}
BTW I have actually solved my problem by using my own definition of \cleardoublepage.
RE: \AMCcleardoublepage vs \cleardoublepage - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 11 years ago
Can you provide a complete (nothing more is needed to compile it) minimal (as simple as possible) sample source file that shows the problem?
BTW I have actually solved my problem by using my own definition of \cleardoublepage.
Can you post it?
RE: \AMCcleardoublepage vs \cleardoublepage - Added by Raffaele Borrelli almost 11 years ago
I think my problem was that the odd page was not properly recognized because
of a float environment (a framebox) that I added at the end of the test.
Searching the web I found that this is a quite common problem when using \cleardoublepage.
The only solution is to use the "ifoddpage" and then change the definition of cleardoublepage:
It worked for me.