AMCcode not reflected in marks-file or export

Added by Ståle Freyer over 11 years ago

I've come close to the point where the 700+ students are to fill in the answersheets, but when doing final test, I fail to get information about the student number and subject.

I've made some test sheets, and all check marks are read correctly when looked upon in the zooms, but they are not reported in neither the marks' list nor the CSV-export. I've compared (*.tex and options.xml) with another project that do report these, but with no success in determining what difference make the BIG difference in result.

Hopefully someone is challenged by this enigma...

DOC-sujet.pdf - Layout (86.8 kB)

questionairie.tex - Latex-file (2.9 kB)

Replies (2)

RE: AMCcode not reflected in marks-file or export - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago

I think you made some small errors in your source file.
  • remove \AMCformBegin and \AMCformS calls. They are not to be used in your case, and are not needed here.
  • \examcopy{800}{ ... } should be \onecopy{800}{ ... }

Maybe these errors disturbed the scoring process...

Try one of these:
  1. Make a backup (zip file with all content) of your project directory, correct the source file and re-run marking (with Update marking scale box ticked)
  2. Try to build a new project from the corrected source file. If the subject looks exactly the same, you should be able to process your scans with it.

RE: AMCcode not reflected in marks-file or export - Added by Ståle Freyer over 11 years ago

I solved it! It seems that the included tabularx in the latex code was the culprit. Not an obvious troublemaker.

Anyway, thanks for your suggestions. They made me rethink the problem solving path.
