Exam has multiple pages, if mixed up other pages cannot be easily identified as belonging to a certain answer sheet version

Added by Cristiano Arbex 3 months ago

I have an exam that has 5 versions. Each version is 4 pages, and on page 3 there is the answer sheet. In this page, AMC adds little circles in the corners and a sort of code at the top. The other three pages have none of this information.

Is there anything I can do to be able to easily match the other page to this one, in cased they get mixed up? Adding a page number, or adding the code-at-the-top to the other pages as well?

Thanks so much!

Replies (2)

RE: Exam has multiple pages, if mixed up other pages cannot be easily identified as belonging to a certain answer sheet version - Added by Frédéric Bréal 3 months ago

what is your preamble ?


Adding a page number, or adding the code-at-the-top to the other pages as well?


\AMCsetFoot{page \thepage{} - test:\AMCStudentNumber}
