Percentage of correct answers per {element}

Added by Stipe Galić 4 months ago

Hello all,

first time posting, first time user reporting implementation of AMC for our university. Overcoming some growing pains, it became a really valuable asset. I got my database established, exams look really understandable for the students, they look representable, quite a nice discovery. There is one particular problem I'm having trouble solving - after exams are scanned and marked, there is option to look (Marking/Look at Marks) what percentage of correct answers were given per individual question, which is nice however it would be much more useful for us if there was a percentage passage per ELEMENT not QUESTION. Let me clarify - if I have 30 questions on three topics (let say \element{Mechanics}, \element{Electrodynamics} and \element{Thermodynamics}) 10 questions each. Now, our Uni has a rule where minimal passage is 55% overall but also student must have 55% per each topic, so they dont collect most of point from only some topics. What I do now is simply use an excel to calculate, but it would be great if this was integrated in AMC.

All in all, this software is a gem.


Replies (2)

RE: Percentage of correct answers per {element} - Added by Frédéric Bréal 4 months ago

it's already possible.
Documentation : points and 6.9.1.
Exemple :

\element{Thermodynamics}{ %
bla bla bla

AMC-gui-rapports.png - French GUI (52.7 kB)

RE: Percentage of correct answers per {element} - Added by Stipe Galić 4 months ago

Dear Frédéric,

thank you for your answer, this is exactly what I needed.

