Catalog option only prints 2 questions, whereas questions/answers prints all?
Replies (1)
Forums » Using AMC (english) »
Added by aman saurav 4 months ago
recently when i use the catalog option, only two questions get printed in the pdf. i would like to point out that i dont use the AMC software, rather i use nvim, and with package options as
```\usepackage[box,completemulti,separateanswersheet,nopage,catalog,noshuffle,noshufflegroups,keys=line]{automultiplechoice} ```
any reason why this happens?
If i change the options to
``` \usepackage[box,completemulti,separateanswersheet,nopage,noshuffle,noshufflegroups]{automultiplechoice} ```
or to
``` \usepackage[box,completemulti,separateanswersheet,nopage,indivanswers,noshuffle,noshufflegroups]{automultiplechoice} ```
it gives all the questions.
I would be happy to provide any other information should you require.
Can you provide a Minimal Working Example?