Is it possible to uje Azerbaijani language in AMC LaTex?

Added by Jamila Aliyeva 9 months ago

I was able to use azerbaijani language but i got some issues with the Ə ə letter, I was able to use small letter with the help of {tikz} package, \newunicodechar{ə}{\textipa{@}}. but how can I use uppercase? so if I use MakeUppercsse all letters are upper except the Ə

Replies (3)

RE: Is it possible to uje Azerbaijani language in AMC LaTex? - Added by Jamila Aliyeva 9 months ago

I wasnt able to handle this way that you suggest, so I did it like that,




so actually it works for me, the main problem is when I insert images and want to add width, it shows width as a text, and not showing an image

RE: Is it possible to uje Azerbaijani language in AMC LaTex? - Added by Frédéric Bréal 9 months ago

Could you post a MWE ?

\usepackage{MWE} <-important
your commands \newunicode
dummy text


