Change choice form from boxes to letters [A) B) C) D)]
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Added by Jamila Aliyeva 9 months ago
I need to change choice form from boxes to letter like this
A) B) C) D)
but in separate answer sheet I need choices to be in boxes, how can I solve it?
A lead :
Preamble \begin{document} … \onecopy{1}{ \AMCboxStyle{shape=none,down=1pt} <- adapt according to the font \def\AMCchoiceLabel##1{\Alph{##1})} … \AMCformBegin \AMCboxStyle{shape=square,size=2.5ex,down=.4ex,rule=0.5pt,outsidesep=.1em,color=black} \def\AMCchoiceLabel##1{\Alph{##1}} … \AMCform } \end{document}
Thanks! Worked for me!