PPM images from scanned papers have wrong orientation (leading to "No layout for ID +0/0/0+")

Added by Alex Alex about 2 years ago

I have a pdf with scanned copies, that gets split in ppm files by AMC. Unfortunately those ppm files are rotated by 90 degrees. This leads to "No layout for ID 0/0/0" errors. When looking at the annotated papers, I can see that AMC looks for the boxes in the wrong place (as if the ppm was not rotated).

This is very similar to this post https://project.auto-multiple-choice.net/boards/4/topics/11480. But in my case the resolution of the scanned paper is fine (ppm files are 3507x2480), so I don't know how to fix it. In addition, the same AMC project works great with a different pdf (from a different scanner) that I had used a week before (same student group but with some missing copies). Aspect ratio of both pdf is almost the same (ppm of 2331x1646 for the one that works).

The following attempts did not solve the problem:
- Rotating the pdf in the opposite direction with pdfjam
- Using only the first page of the paper, which was very clean with no writing outside boxes.

How does AMC choose the orientation of the ppm files?

Replies (1)

RE: PPM images from scanned papers have wrong orientation (leading to "No layout for ID +0/0/0+") - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 2 years ago

AMC should rotate files when needed.
Can you attach your source file and scan file, so that we can have a look? The log file produced asking for automatic data capture in debugging mode (from the Help menu) can also be useful.
