compiled-with-solution's flag ?

Added by Julien GIBELIN over 2 years ago

Dear all,

I generated QCM with random values.
I use \AMCnumericChoices for the students to fill the values but I would like, for me, to have the numerical value printed somewhere.
Is it possible ?
I can write the code myself but is there any flag like "compiled for solution" ?

Thank you in advance,
Best regards

Replies (3)

RE: compiled-with-solution's flag ? - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 2 years ago

Unfortunately, there is currently no such flag.

RE: compiled-with-solution's flag ? - Added by Julien GIBELIN over 2 years ago

Thank you for your answer.

So what is the mechanism you use to differentiate between the compilation of the subject and the compilation of the solution?
I could not figure it out in the *.sty file.


RE: compiled-with-solution's flag ? - Added by Julien GIBELIN over 2 years ago

I come back to you.

I found the flag, which is \ifAMC@correc

It works for me.

Thank you
