Manual correction of "sabotaged" binary code boxes

Added by Iain Butler about 2 years ago


Thank you for the wonderful software.

I am having an occasional problem with recognising pages from students who have coloured in some of the empty binary code boxes, so that the recognised code becomes invalid. (Some of them find it very tempting to "doodle" in the empty cells!). I can see these scans in the list at "Unrecognized scans" > "Scans List", but I can't see how to get AMC to read them anyway. Of course, I would expect to type in the page ID manually.

Is it possible to manually tell AMC the (human-readable) ID code for a scanned page that was not recognised manually?

Many thanks,

Replies (3)

RE: Manual correction of "sabotaged" binary code boxes - Added by Iain Butler about 2 years ago

Typo: my last sentence should have read
"Is it possible to manually tell AMC the (human-readable) ID code for a scanned page that was not recognised automatically?"

RE: Manual correction of "sabotaged" binary code boxes - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 2 years ago

This is unfortunately not implemented in AMC.
You can correct the scan page with an image editor an process it again, but this takes some time.
I warn the students before the test, and apply a penalty when a manual action has to be performed to correct their sheets.

RE: Manual correction of "sabotaged" binary code boxes - Added by Iain Butler about 2 years ago


Thank you for your reply. Your solution is an effective one.

Nonetheless, perhaps this is a desirable feature for the future?

Best wishes,
