I only get one solution in AMC 1.5.2

Added by Pablo UPM about 2 years ago

I'm using a template I used other times:




%%% copies



%%% header:
{\centering\large\bf Exam} \vspace{5ex}

$\longleftarrow{}$\hspace{0pt plus 1cm} Instructions
%%% end of the header




I get 3 copies, and I can change that number in the GUI or in the onecopy command, but I only get one solution, and one copy in "catalog", no matter what I do: has something changed in version 1.5.2? is there something I forgot this time?


Replies (5)

RE: I only get one solution in AMC 1.5.2 - Added by Pablo UPM about 2 years ago

The same happens with the template "separate answers".

Maybe everything works fine at the end, but how can I check the solutions and explanations before the real exam?


RE: I only get one solution in AMC 1.5.2 - Added by Pablo UPM about 2 years ago

I did a test, filling the pdf with xournal and it works to the end, even sending the corrected exam to each student by email.

I still would prefer to see more than one solution when I build the exam :-/


RE: I only get one solution in AMC 1.5.2 - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 2 years ago

Among the documents that AMC can produce, the Individual solution contains all the students sheets, with correct answers ticked. Is that what you are looking for?

RE: I only get one solution in AMC 1.5.2 - Added by Pablo UPM about 2 years ago

Shame on me! It was there.
Thanks, Alexis

RE: I only get one solution in AMC 1.5.2 - Added by Pablo UPM about 2 years ago

It's just that the individual solution does not have the explain{} and the catalog does not have one solution for each student. I was writing a detailed explain{} with intermediate steps and wanted to check more than one example... that would be my wish, but it is not too important, and possibly it's not worth to be included in the GUI.
But if there is a command for that, however, I'd love to know.
