Change the appearance of AMCopen in separateanswersheet post-correct?

Added by aman saurav about 3 years ago

I am trying to make a template for post correction sheets, ( separateanswer sheet style) and i am running into some aesthetic issue.

Right now when i use AMCopen it appears as shown ( Attachment marked "PresentView")

Its taking up too much space and doesn't look good.
How do i modify the options so that it looks like the other picture attached ( attachment marked "RequiredView")

I have attached an MWC.

P.S. I have created RequiredView in an entirely different document, there may be some spacing issues, or it might overall look different, but I only want to change how AMC open appears, nothing else.

MWC.tex (924 Bytes)

PresentView.pdf (47.8 kB)

RequiredView.pdf (15.1 kB)

Replies (5)

RE: Change the appearance of AMCopen in separateanswersheet post-correct? - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 3 years ago

Please note that you are not currently using the separate anser sheet mode.
Have a look at the lineup option for AMCOpen.

MWC.tex (902 Bytes)

DOC-sujet.pdf (44 kB)

RE: Change the appearance of AMCopen in separateanswersheet post-correct? - Added by aman saurav almost 3 years ago

Thanks for the prompt response and solving my issue!

Lineup does exactly what I needed!

RE: Change the appearance of AMCopen in separateanswersheet post-correct? - Added by aman saurav almost 2 years ago


apologies for the long text and thanks in advance for your help!

i need some more help with the same.

i want to make one OMR template that i will xerox and give to 50 students. The question paper will be prepared elsewhere, and every student gets the same question paper, without any shuffling of questions or choices.

I have attached the main.tex file. the MWC could be shorter, but i wanted to make the exact look OMR hence i have added the complete file.

My queries are
Query 1. to give 50 students, should i do \onecopy{1}, print out one OMR paper , xerox it 50 times and give to students
should i do \onecopy{50} and print 50 unique OMR papers and give each unique to students
can i do both, and still AMC will be able to scan the answer key of all students without errors during correction?

Query 2. The first 10 questions are choicescustom and the next are AMCopen. how do i get Q. 10 and Q. 11 lined up in the first page ( pagerRef01 ) of Main.pdf (see MainCorrections.pdf) ?

Query 3. How do i get the Physics, Chemistry , mathematics heading in AMCform OMR page (pagerRef02 ) (see MainCorrections.pdf)

Query 4. is it possible that the end point of choice D of Q.10 can be lined up with the end point of W/C box of Q.11 of open questions?

Query 5. Which page should i give to students to mark their answers in? pagerRef01 or pagerRef02. The question are prepared elsewhere, i only need to give students an OMR sheet for marking their answers.

I have attached 3 files
main.tex - detailed source tex
Main.pdf - what is the current output
MainCorrections.pdf - what corrections i desire.

Main.pdf - current output (84.3 kB)

Main.tex - source tex (2.1 kB)

MainCorrections.pdf - corrections needed (211.2 kB)

RE: Change the appearance of AMCopen in separateanswersheet post-correct? - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 2 years ago

Q1. both are possible (tell AMC which option is chosen at the data capture step).

For other queries, since the question paper will be prepared elsewhere, maybe you can consider not using the separate answer sheet option: you will be able to build your answer sheet with more flexibility.
