Change scoring without creating any dvi and pdf?

Added by Alex Alex about 3 years ago

When changing the scoring strategy after the test has already been completed by the students (for example, switching a question to indicative), I use the command `auto-multiple-choice prepare --mode b --data ./data ./"mysubect.tex"`. This works, but it takes quite a while because it also creates amc-compiled.dvi and then amc-compiled.pdf, which iterates through every copy. This makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong.

Is there a better/quicker method? I'm only using the command line (not the gui).

Replies (4)

RE: Change scoring without creating any dvi and pdf? - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 3 years ago

There is no better method.
AMC needs to run LaTeX to extract the scoring from the source file.
However, the dvi→pdf step is not necessary and should be skipped: this will be fixed.

RE: Change scoring without creating any dvi and pdf? - Added by Alex Alex about 3 years ago

Ah that makes sense, I guess it could depend on some logic with groups of questions being included and stuff. Thanks.

RE: Change scoring without creating any dvi and pdf? - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 3 years ago

I guess it could depend on some logic with groups of questions being included and stuff.


RE: Change scoring without creating any dvi and pdf? - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 3 years ago

However, the dvi→pdf step is not necessary and should be skipped: this will be fixed.

Now in the development tree : git:a0facad4beba.
