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How to make sections in answer Key
Added by aman saurav over 3 years ago
Hi, how do i make the answer table have sections e.g. if a question paper has 30 questions, first 10 in section A, then next 10 in section B and last in section C, how do i change the AMC form to show the answer key section wise. Attached sample tex file and the output that i want.
The answer key section may or may not have some heading as well. Like in the image shown, the sections may have names "Stage A" and "Stage B" or they may be divided subject wise - Physics chem maths etc.
tab_ans_key_amc.tex - sample tex file (2.7 kB)
Expected_Output.png - Output i would like. Sections may have names. (94.8 kB)
Screenshot_2021-10-20_at_7.38.59_PM.png - present answer key output. (23 kB)