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Random truth table with pythontex
Added by Paco Riviere almost 4 years ago
With the command building any 2 variable truth table (
\begin{pythontexcustomcode}{py} def taulaveritat2(hd): print(r"\begin{tabular}{c c|c}") print(r"$A$ & $B$ & %s \\ \hline" % hd) for a in range(0, 2): for b in range(0, 2): print(r"%d & %d & %d \\" % (a, b, lofu(a,b))) print(r"\end{tabular}") \end{pythontexcustomcode}
The idea is:
1 We build two Python lists, one with all the operators and another with their names.
2. We choose a random i in the lists range
3. We build the table with element i from the first list
4. We ask the name of the table. The answer is the element i in the second list.
5. We need some incorrect choices
The code I am testing is:
\begin{pycode} # step 1 operador = ["a or b", "a and b", "not (a or b)", "not (a and b)", "a ^ b", "not(a^b)"] nom = ["O", "I", "NO-O", "NO-I", "XOR", "XNOR"] # step 2 import numpy as np np.random.seed(12345) i=np.random.randint(0,5) # just for testing: print (i, operador[i], nom[i]) \end{pycode} % Also a test: \pys{!{operador[i]}} % step 3 Question: What is the function of the following truth table? \begin{pycode} def lofu(a,b): return a or b ### This fails with 'return operador[i]' ### \end{pycode} We asking \pyc{print(operador[i])} \pyc{taulaveritat2("F")} % step 4 The correct answer is \pyc{print(nom[i])}\\ % step 5 Wrong values % Cannot use +5 here as there would be two righr answers \pyc{print(nom[(i+1)%5])}, \pyc{print(nom[(i+3)%5])}, \pyc{print(nom[(i+4)%5])}\\
It works as expected, except the return statement. As if we use:return a or be
it works
but withreturn operador[i]
Which is what we need, it fails.
Using pysub also fails:
def lofu(a,b):
return !{operador[i]}
What is wrong with the return statement?