file to store answer

Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

In which file does AMC store the answers for future correction of the questions?



Replies (17)

RE: file to store answer - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 3 years ago

When extracting the scoring strategy, AMC compiles the source file with latex, creating the amc-compiled.amc file. This file is then is processed by auto-multiple-choice prepare to store the data (questions, correct and wrong answers, scoring strategy) into the data/scoring.sqlite database.

RE: file to store answer - Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

Thank you very much for the quick return.

Is the scoring.sqlite file a table or a database?

RE: file to store answer - Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

You can access the table, but I didn't understand the relationship. How do I know which is the right answer for each question?

RE: file to store answer - Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

I can access the table, but I didn't understand the relationship. How do I know which is the right answer for each question?

RE: file to store answer - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 3 years ago

In the table scoring_answer, the column correct tells you if each answer is correct or not.

RE: file to store answer - Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

I found the record as I elaborated the questions (all in the first option). But I didn't find it after randomizing the alternatives.


RE: file to store answer - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 3 years ago

Did you click on Mark with Update marking scale on? This is the moment the scoring strategy is extracted at.

RE: file to store answer - Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

Yes, I clicked.
I can generate a test and then make the correction, it is working well. However, I am trying to integrate AMC with my system, so I need to know where AMC stores the correct answers of the generated test, to then check with what the student scored.

RE: file to store answer - Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

I can find the template with the answers in the pdf files. Are the correct answers for each exam stored in a text or sqlite file?

RE: file to store answer - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 3 years ago

Yes, I clicked.

Can you update the marking scale again in debugging mode (from the Help menu), and post the log file produced, and the data/scoring.sqlite file?

RE: file to store answer - Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

Following are the requested files

thanks for the help :)

RE: file to store answer - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 3 years ago

From your log file it seems that you did not click on Mark (from the Marking tab) with Update marking scale on, but maybe on Update documents, which does not extract the scoring strategy from the source file.

RE: file to store answer - Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

What a shame! laughs! Maybe I got it wrong because of the translation.
But wouldn't the score be after delivering the evidence with the answers?

escala.png (81.3 kB)

RE: file to store answer - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 3 years ago

AMC is designed so that you can modify the scoring strategy, and the correct/wrong choices, after data capture (I often make mistakes while writing the subject 😉). This is why Update marking scale is next to Mark, after data capture is done.

RE: file to store answer - Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

Help me understand:

I create an exam with a question containing 4 alternatives.
As I have 5 students, AMC will generate 5 exams. Although I marked the exam as correct, AMC will randomize the correct alternative for each student.
When correcting, how does AMC know which is the correct alternative for each student? Where is this information stored?

See the example:

\usepackage{fp} % random numbers
\FPseed=2021 % trocar a cada ano
% Seed (entre 1 e 4194303)
\AMCrandomseed{47803} % trocar a cada ano
\def\AMCbeginQuestion#1#2{\par\noindent{\bf QUESTÃO #1\\[2mm]} #2\hspace*{1em}}
\def\AMCformQuestion#1{\vspace{\AMCformVSpace}\par{\bf Questão #1:}}


    \correctchoice{Choice 1} \scoring{2.0}
      \wrongchoice{Choice 2} 
      \wrongchoice{Choice 3} 
      \wrongchoice{Choice 4} 



\setcounter{count}{1} % set counter to 1 for each exam




RE: file to store answer - Added by Rafael Rodriguez about 3 years ago

I use the Invidual solution option under the Documents box to produce one pdf file with the correct answer for each exam. Maybe you could search in the code to see how it's created.

RE: file to store answer - Added by Maurício Diniz about 3 years ago

I found the necessary data:
select student, question, answer, char from layout_box;
