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AMCcodeLabel and AMCchoiceLabel
Added by VInay Wagh about 4 years ago
In some earlier versions, I had used the commands `AMCcodeLabel` and `AMCchoiceLabel`, to customise the code and choices labels (the text inside it).
\def\AMCchoiceLabel#1{\color{black!30}\small\alph{#1}\normalsize} \def\AMCcodeLabel#1{\color{black!30}\small\Alph{#1}\normalsize}
However, in the latest version (on Ubuntu), the `AMCcodeLabel` does not make any change! I could not even find it in the documentation. It seems the default darkness for the AMCcodeLabel is 100, which is creating a problem for the Darkness Threshold.
Any pointers?
-- VInay
Replies (5)
RE: AMCcodeLabel and AMCchoiceLabel
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 4 years ago
Your AMCchoiceLabel
works for me. However, with new AMC versions, you should prefer
\def\AMCchoiceLabelFormat#1{{\color{black!30}\small #1}}
and, for the choice label itself:
This allows to use the provided format even for choices with a letter given in the code:
RE: AMCcodeLabel and AMCchoiceLabel
Added by VInay Wagh about 4 years ago
Yes, it is working for the choices, but its not working for the code. Attaching the screenshot. In this, I am not able to reduce the darkness for the bubbles for the numbers (0--9). The command you gave changes the darkness only for the choices (a--d).
-- VInay
Screenshot_from_2021-02-02_22-59-24.png (64.5 kB)
RE: AMCcodeLabel and AMCchoiceLabel
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 4 years ago
Which Ubuntu and AMC version are you working with? Can you post your source file?
RE: AMCcodeLabel and AMCchoiceLabel
Added by VInay Wagh about 4 years ago
I have Ubuntu 21.04 (dev version), with kernel 5.8.0-36-generic #40+21.04.1-Ubuntu.
AMC version 1.5.0~rc1-1ubuntu1.
Not sure if its relevant: LaTeX version is: pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020/Debian)
Attached is my separate.tex.
-- VInay
separate.tex (4.4 kB)
RE: AMCcodeLabel and AMCchoiceLabel
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 4 years ago
These two lines work for me:
\def\AMCchoiceLabelFormat#1{{\color{black!30}\small #1}} \def\AMCchoiceLabel#1{\alph{#1}}
Can you test with the attached source file?
separate.tex (4.5 kB)