5/50 good answers not coherent for a simple question

Added by Paco Riviere about 4 years ago

I receive a message I cannot figure out with a numeric question:

5/50 good answers not coherent for a simple question [question ID]

the question is something like:

  \AMCnumericChoices{165}{exact = 0, decimals = 1, digits = 5, sign = false, scoreexact = 3, approx=0, scoreapprox=0}

No more questions in same groupID
I have reduced the score margins to 0 but error stays.
Cannot find anyting about it in doc or wiki.

Replies (2)

RE: 5/50 good answers not coherent for a simple question - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 4 years ago

\AMCnumericChoices must be enclosed inside a questionmultx environment, not a question one.
