Using circuitikz to draw circuits / figures

Added by Paco Riviere about 4 years ago

I try to write a question including a circuit diagram with circuitkz without success.
The code between comment lines works fine in a tex doc, but crashes in AMC.
What is wrong?

\begin{question}{Llei dOhm}
Quin és el corrent del circuit de la figura, si V val 3 V i R 6\ohm?
%% circuit diagram ---
\draw (0,0)
to[V,v=$V_o$] (0,2) % Font de tensió
to[short] (2,2) % conductor
to[R=$R_1$=2<\ohm>] (2,0) % resistor
to[short] (0,0); % conductor
%% end of circuit diagram ---
\correctchoice{0,5 A}
\wrongchoice{2 A}
\wrongchoice{5 A}
\wrongchoice{1,5 A}

Replies (8)

RE: Using circuitikz to draw circuits / figures - Added by Frédéric Bréal about 4 years ago

figure is a float environment and inside question environment, the tikz picture can't float.
Use float package and replace h! by H

off topic : use siunitx package

RE: Using circuitikz to draw circuits / figures - Added by Paco Riviere about 4 years ago

Thanks Gérard,

Does this means that {figure} should be inside {circuitikz} ?

Btw. adding float package and replacing h! by H gives the following error message:
Undefined control sequance simple.tex 71

Where line 71 is:
Quin és el corrent del circuit de la figura, si V val 3 V i R 6\ohm?

RE: Using circuitikz to draw circuits / figures - Added by Frédéric Bréal about 4 years ago


\noindent{\bf QCM  \hfill TEST}

\centering\large\bf Test\\ Examen du 01/01/2008\end{minipage}
                  Nom et prénom :


\begin{question}{Llei dOhm}
%% circuit diagram ---
Quin és el corrent del circuit de la figura, si V val 3 V i R 6%$\ohm$?

\draw (0,0)
to[V,v=$V_o$] (0,2) % Font de tensió
to[short] (2,2) % conductor
to[R=$R_1$=2<\ohm>] (2,0) % resistor
to[short] (0,0); % conductor

%% end of circuit diagram ---
\correctchoice{0,5 A}
\wrongchoice{2 A}
\wrongchoice{5 A}
\wrongchoice{1,5 A}

RE: Using circuitikz to draw circuits / figures - Added by Paco Riviere about 4 years ago

! LaTeX Error: File `siunitx.sty' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
Enter file name: 
! Emergency stop.

RE: Using circuitikz to draw circuits / figures - Added by Frédéric Bréal about 4 years ago

Don't worry : delete siunitx in the preamble.

RE: Using circuitikz to draw circuits / figures - Added by Paco Riviere about 4 years ago

I am not able to see the difference. I get the same error.

RE: Using circuitikz to draw circuits / figures - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe about 4 years ago

Maybe you can use the same workaround as in #746 (in French): save the graph in a box outside AMC stuff, and use it when needed.

RE: Using circuitikz to draw circuits / figures - Added by Paco Riviere about 4 years ago

I works fine!

Even so, I don't succeed to add a caption. As sson as I add a figure environment it fails to compile, unless I comment these lines:

    \draw (0,0) to [battery, l_=V,-] (0,2);
    \draw (2,2) to [short, i=$I$] (0,2);
    \draw (2,2) to [R,l=R,-] (2,0);
    \draw (2,0) to [short, -] (0,0);
