Question about colors in AMC

Added by S. McKay over 5 years ago

I am running AMC 1.4 on Ubuntu 18.04 (Plasma desktop). On the preparation tab, after update documents There is a green bar with writing in what appears to be tan.
I assume that the green and red bars are hardcoded, but the font color(looks like tan?) makes it hard to read. Is the font color coming from the system colors? I changed the defaults, but it
appears to have no affect inside the app. I know this is not really an AMC issue, but if anyone knows how to fix that so my eyes stop hurting, I'd appreciate it.

Replies (5)

RE: Question about colors in AMC - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 5 years ago

Can you post a screenshot?
Colors are hardcoded at the end of (see $css->load_from_data). Maybe you can add some color: CSS lines here. Or maybe you can put some user-defined CSS somewhere…

RE: Question about colors in AMC - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 5 years ago

~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css seems to be the right place for user-defined CSS.

RE: Question about colors in AMC - Added by S. McKay over 5 years ago

Here is a screenshot. The thing is, I've never had this problem when I ran AMC on Mac OS, so I thought the font color was a system choice...
I haven't been able to change it however. I will look into gtk.css to see if I can figure anything out.

Maybe these color choices don't bother anyone else, but I have a hard time reading. Of course, green is good, red is bad helps :-)

AMC-colors.png (42.7 kB)

RE: Question about colors in AMC - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 5 years ago

That's weird.
You can use eg. this file as ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css to get white labels: label {
    color: white;
infobar.error label {
    color: white;
infobar.warning label {
    color: white;

RE: Question about colors in AMC - Added by S. McKay over 5 years ago

Just an update.
I had been using KDE Plasma because its supposed to be less of a resource hog than Gnome.
It was also difficult to uninstall. I went back to Gnome, and changed to the default application font,
and the problem went away. So the font color is coming from the system, but I didn't know how to change it in KDE.
Lesson learned, and another thing that has nothing to do with AMC ...

