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OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails
Added by Uwe Mayer over 6 years ago
after upgrading to OSX Mojave, I am not able to install AMC anymore.
sudo port install auto-multiple-choice
---> Computing dependencies for auto-multiple-choice
---> Building auto-multiple-choice
Error: Failed to build auto-multiple-choice: command execution failed
Error: See /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_x11_auto-multiple-choice/auto-multiple-choice/main.log for details.
Error: Follow to report a bug.
Error: Processing of port auto-multiple-choice failed
I attached the log file.
I have no Idea where to start.
I uninstalled and reinstalled MacPorts from scratch: MacPorts 2.5.4.
Other ports such as ffmpeg and imagemagick install without problem.
Many thanks for your help!
OSX 10.14 MacBook Air Mid 2014 / Mac Mini Late 2014
log.txt - /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_macports_release_tarballs_ports_x11_auto-multiple-choice/auto-multiple-choice/main.log (462.4 kB)
Replies (39)
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Joël Brogniart about 6 years ago
Could you give us the result of the following command?
port info auto-multiple-choice
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Philippe Vernant about 6 years ago
here you go:
auto-multiple-choice @1.3.0.git201805011238_1 (x11, tex, education)
Sub-ports: auto-multiple-choice-devel
Variants: mactex, universal
Description: Utility to manage multiple choice questionnaires, with optionally mixed questions and answers. AMC
provides automatic marking from papers' scans. Annotated papers are produced. Marks can be exported as
an sheet file.
Build Dependencies: dblatex, p5.26-xml-libxml
Library Dependencies: opencv
Runtime Dependencies: gdk-pixbuf2, libnotify, librsvg, netpbm, p5.26-archive-zip, p5.26-clone, p5.26-dbd-sqlite,
p5.26-digest-md5, p5.26-email-mime, p5.26-email-sender, p5.26-file-basedir, p5.26-file-mimeinfo,
p5.26-glib-object-introspection, p5.26-gtk3, p5.26-locale-gettext, p5.26-module-load-conditional,
p5.26-openoffice-oodoc, p5.26-perlmagick, p5.26-text-csv, p5.26-xml-simple, p5.26-xml-writer, poppler,
qpdf, sqlite3, texlive, texlive-fonts-extra, texlive-lang-japanese, texlive-latex-extra
Conflicts with: auto-multiple-choice-devel
Platforms: darwin
License: GPL-2+
Maintainers: Email:, GitHub: nortcele
Policy: openmaintainer
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Joël Brogniart about 6 years ago
OK, that's the last Macports version and pdftk is not in the dependencies list. So it should come from the previous installation. Do you use the following command to update AMC?
sudo upgrade outdated
If so, could you then show us the result of the next command?
port list outdated
Then uninstall gcc5 and pdftk from the installed ports.
sudo port uninstall pdftk gcc5
And then run again the upgrade command.
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Philippe Vernant about 6 years ago
I already used the commands to update all my macports yesterday while trying to install AMC. This is a new computer without AMC, but I did installed AMC on an older mac using macports.
py36-pyqt5 @5.11.3 python/py-pyqt5
py36-qtawesome @0.5.5 python/py-qtawesome
py36-qtconsole @4.4.3 python/py-qtconsole
py36-qtpy @1.5.2 python/py-qtpy
py36-rope @0.11.0 python/py-rope
py36-spyder @3.3.2 python/py-spyder
py36-spyder-kernels @0.3.0 python/py-spyder-kernels
py36-sympy @1.3 python/py-sympy
py37-appnope @0.1.0 python/py-appnope
py37-backcall @0.1.0 python/py-backcall
py37-cloudpickle @0.6.1 python/py-cloudpickle
py37-dateutil @2.7.3 python/py-dateutil
py37-decorator @4.3.0 python/py-decorator
py37-ipykernel @5.0.0 python/py-ipykernel
py37-ipython @6.5.0 python/py-ipython
py37-ipython_genutils @0.2.0 python/py-ipython_genutils
py37-jedi @0.13.2 python/py-jedi
py37-jupyter_client @5.2.4 python/py-jupyter_client
py37-jupyter_core @4.4.0 python/py-jupyter_core
py37-parso @0.3.1 python/py-parso
py37-pexpect @4.6.0 python/py-pexpect
py37-pickleshare @0.7.5 python/py-pickleshare
py37-prompt_toolkit @1.0.15 python/py-prompt_toolkit
py37-ptyprocess @0.6.0 python/py-ptyprocess
py37-pygments @2.3.1 python/py-pygments
py37-setuptools @40.6.3 python/py-setuptools
py37-simplegeneric @0.8.1 python/py-simplegeneric
py37-six @1.12.0 python/py-six
py37-spyder-kernels @0.3.0 python/py-spyder-kernels
py37-tornado @5.1.1 python/py-tornado
py37-traitlets @4.3.2 python/py-traitlets
py37-tz @2018.7 python/py-tz
py37-wcwidth @0.1.7 python/py-wcwidth
py37-zmq @17.1.2 python/py-zmq
python37 @3.7.2 lang/python37
qt5 @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qt3d @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtcanvas3d @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtconnectivity @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtdeclarative @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtgamepad @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtgraphicaleffects @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtimageformats @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtlocation @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtmacextras @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtmultimedia @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtnetworkauth @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtquickcontrols @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtquickcontrols2 @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtscript @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtscxml @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtsensors @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtserialbus @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtserialport @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtspeech @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtsvg @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qttools @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qttranslations @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtwebchannel @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtwebengine @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtwebsockets @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-qtxmlpatterns @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
qt5-sqlite-plugin @5.12.0 aqua/qt5
spyder_select @0.1 python/spyder_select
vtk @8.1.1 graphics/vtk
Still the same error with the install.
When I grep for "error" in the main.log, the first one to come is :
:debug:archivefetch Fetching archive failed: The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
Could that explain something?
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Joël Brogniart about 6 years ago
I don't know, but it has nothing to do with AMC installation as nothing in the dependency chain for AMC need GCC5. Could you add the full main log file?
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Philippe Vernant about 6 years ago
OK, I did clean up my mess, the error message was related to an older install, I didn't knew that the main.log wasn't erased.
Here is the only error I have now:
:info:build set -e ; xelatex -halt-on-error -interaction=nonstopmode auto-multiple-choice.en.tex; xelatex -halt-on-error -interaction=nonstopmode auto-multiple-choice.en.tex
:info:build ! fontspec error: "font-not-found"
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Philippe Vernant about 6 years ago
It is the DejaVu police that is missing, but I have copied the .ttf files in ~/Library/Fonts and /Library/Fonts. So I don't know what to do.
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Philippe Vernant about 6 years ago
Solved the issue, I finally went for Homebrew.
Thanks for the help
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Sandrine CHARLES almost 6 years ago
Avoir lu ce fil et un autre avec une erreur similaire à la mienne, je n'arrive toujours à solutionner mon problème. Au lancement de AMC, voici ce que j'obtiens :
WARNING **: Failed to load shared library 'libcairo-gobject.2.dylib' referenced by the typelib: dlopen(libcairo-gobject.2.dylib, 9): image not found at /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26/ line 479.
dbus80676: Dynamic session lookup supported but failed: launchd did not provide a socket path, verify that org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist is loaded!
Par contre AMC se lance bien et tout le processus jusqu'à la fin à l'air de bien se dérouler. Le seul problème que j'ai c'est que je n'arrive pas à associer le id au nom de fichiers des copies annotées, malgré un modèle de nom de fichier qui est (id)#-QCM-rappels.
Une idée ,
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Philippe Vernant almost 6 years ago
Aucune idée en ce qui me concerne, c'est une installation avec Macports ?
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Sandrine CHARLES almost 6 years ago
Oui, une installation avec macport, la dernière version de AMC après passage sous MAC OS X Mojave.
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Sandrine CHARLES almost 6 years ago
Je ne sais pas si ça peut aider à mieux comprendre mon problème, mais après avoir demandé l'annotation des copies, voici le message obtenu :
WARNING *: Failed to load shared library 'libcairo-gobject.2.dylib' referenced by the typelib: dlopen(libcairo-gobject.2.dylib, 9): image not found at /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26/ line 479.
GLib-LOG *: posix_spawn avoided (fd close requested) at /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Glib/Object/ line 67.
GLib-LOG **: posix_spawn avoided (fd close requested) at /opt/local/lib/AMC/perl/ line 223.
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe almost 6 years ago
WARNING *: Failed to load shared library 'libcairo-gobject.2.dylib'
Est-ce que le port p5.26-cairo-gobject
est bien installé ?
Pas sûr que ce soit le problème ceci dit.
je n'arrive pas à associer le id au nom de fichiers des copies annotées
Que se passe-t-il exactement ?
RE: OSX Mojave MacPorts install fails - Added by Sandrine CHARLES almost 6 years ago
A priori le port p5.26-cairo-gobject est bien installé, puisqu'après un port installed je vois la ligne
p5.26-cairo-gobject @1.4.0_1 (active)
Sinon, lorsque j'inclus (id) dans mon nom de fichier (par ex. (id)-QCM.pdf) pour générer les .pdf des copies annotées, et bien le numéro d'étudiant dans le colonne id de ma liste d'étudiants ne figure pas dans le nom du fichier.
Le ps étrange étant que si je met (nom)-QCM.pdf avec 'nom' une autre colonne de ma liste d'étudiants et bien les noms des fichiers contiennent effectivement les noms des étudiants.
C'est donc comme si AMC n'arrivait pas à récupérer ce numéro. Mais, doit-il le récupérer dans le fichier liste d'étudiants ou bien dans les fichiers images du dossiers cr ?
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