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Install development version without latex on macports
Added by Christophe Farges about 8 years ago
Hello everyone,
I am currently on Sierra and I can install (with success, thanks to the help in the other post!) both normal and development version of the port of AMC. With the normal install, I can use:
sudo port install auto-multiple-choice -latex
and then:
sudo auto-multiple-choice latex-link
in order to install AMC without latex and use it with my current texlive distribution (mactex).
However, if I use the above command with uto-multiple-choice-development, texlive from macport is installed as a dependency. Does someone know how to install the development version without texlive?
Thanks in advance for your help!!
Replies (6)
RE: Install development version without latex on macports
Added by Joël Brogniart about 8 years ago
I'm the culprit for the auto-multiple-choice-devel MacPorts description available in the wiki. I'm sorry but haven't found the time to test and finalize a -latex installation for the developer version. The -latex part is inherited from the normal version and doesn't works as is and fails, if I recall correctly, during the generation of the documentation.
RE: Install development version without latex on macports
Added by Christophe Farges about 8 years ago
Thanks for your fast reply! Now that normal version is installed, is it just possible to remove it (and let the dependencies as they are) and then just install the development version without its dependencies? (I am sorry if what I am saying is nonsense, I am very new to macports...)
RE: Install development version without latex on macports
Added by Joël Brogniart about 8 years ago
There have been many changes since the "normal" (1.2.1) Macports versions. I have to find some time to make some new tests to see if I can adapt the -latex part.
RE: Install development version without latex on macports
Added by Joël Brogniart about 8 years ago
I finally found the time to do some tests and managed to find a reproducible installation procedure. However, I won't have time to document it before January. The installation requires a specific version of MacPorts' dblatex with a -latex option too.
RE: Install development version without latex on macports
Added by Joël Brogniart about 8 years ago
I added French and English recipes to install AMC without latex in the wiki.
RE: Install development version without latex on macports
Added by Christophe Farges about 8 years ago
Hello !
I tried the procedure you provided in the wiki and I confirm that it works flawlessly. Thank you very much !!