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Incompatibility between AMC and ImageMagick 6.9.3 (macos)
Added by Thomas Genet almost 9 years ago
Dear All,
AMC was running fine on my macos until I recently update outdated ports and macports updated ImageMagick 6.9.2 to version 6.9.3.
Then, it seems that an old bug of AMC reappeared:
In the documentation it is said that:
"With old versions of ImageMagick, the merging of corrected answer sheets into a single PDF file per student does not work when answer sheets comprise more than one page. This bug is fixed in versions 6.5.5 ad later of ImageMagick."
I had exactly the same behavior with ImageMagick 6.9.3.
Thus I switched back to version 6.9.2, and it works again :-)
home % port installed imagemagick
The following ports are currently installed:
ImageMagick @6.9.2-4_0+x11
ImageMagick @6.9.3-4_0+x11 (active)
home % port activate imagemagick @6.9.2-4_0+x11
Best regards,