Anyone installed AMC on a BSD system?

Added by Nikola Z. Guscic almost 11 years ago

I am thinking of switching to PC-BSD. Has anyone tried to install AMC on a BSD based system?

In theory, PC-BSD has a Linux compatibility layer, as long as Linux software doesn't make direct calls to kernel
it should compile on a BSD system. Well, that's the theory, anyone has actual experience with this?

I noticed that there is also a Macport for AMC. Would that be a more likely candidate for attempted
installation rather than a Linux source file?

Thanks for any ideas and suggestions.

Replies (4)

RE: Anyone installed AMC on a BSD system? - Added by Hiroto Kagotani almost 11 years ago

I am using AMC on FreeBSD.

Although I posted a PR (problem report) for adding FreeBSD port of AMC
to the FreeBSD team a while ago, they don't do any action so far.

This port does not use the linux compatibility layer. It just
compile some C source sources for helper commands, and install them and
perl scripts to appropriate location with other dependencies to some

I don't know about PC-BSD and its package system, but I think
you can build and install AMC without big difficulty.

RE: Anyone installed AMC on a BSD system? - Added by Nikola Z. Guscic almost 11 years ago

Very interesting!

Does your installation work properly in all regards? Then it's definitely worth a shot.

PC-BSD is still FREE-BSD under the skin, it just has more GUI, several admin tools and utilities
added on top. If you already made it work in FREE-BSD it could also work on PC-BSD because it utilizes
same port system and build tools.

I am new to BSD world, so would you mind explaining how exactly did you do it?
If you don't mind listing the steps?


Niko Z.

RE: Anyone installed AMC on a BSD system? - Added by Hiroto Kagotani almost 11 years ago

AMC on FreeBSD works completely; just printing has not been tested yet
because I've not setup PDF printing on my FreeBSD machine.

Here is the manual installation steps ... it's (not) easy :)

Good luck!


Make sure you have installed the following packages:
  • gcc (assume the command names are gcc and g++)
  • gettext
  • gmake
  • iconv
  • netpbm
  • opencv
  • perl5 (assume perl5-5.16)
  • p5-DBD-SQLite
  • p5-DBI
  • p5-Email-MIME
  • p5-Email-Sender
  • p5-Gtk2-Notify
  • p5-Locale-gettext
  • p5-Net-CUPS
  • p5-OpenOffice-OODoc
  • p5-Text-CSV
  • p5-XML-Simple
  • p5-XML-Writer
  • poppler-utils
  • shared-mime-info
  • texlive-full OR teTeX

Run the following commands:

fetch -o auto-multiple-choice-1.2.1.shar2 ''
rm -rf auto-multiple-choice-1.2.1
tar xpf auto-multiple-choice_1.2.1_precomp.tar.gz
rm -rf auto-multiple-choice
sh auto-multiple-choice-1.2.1.shar2
cd auto-multiple-choice-1.2.1
patch -p <../auto-multiple-choice/files/patch-Makefile
sed -i '' "s|%%STAGEDIR%%||g" Makefile
patch -p <../auto-multiple-choice/files/patch-Makefile.conf
sed -i '' "s|%%LOCALBASE%%|/usr/local|g" Makefile.conf
sed -i '' "s|%%PREFIX%%|/usr/local|g" Makefile.conf
sed -i '' "s|%%MANPREFIX%%|/usr/local|g" Makefile.conf
sed -i '' "s|%%DOCSDIR%%|/usr/local/share/doc/auto-multiple-choice|g" Makefile.conf
sed -i '' "s|%%DATADIR%%|/usr/local/share/auto-multiple-choice|g" Makefile.conf
sed -i '' "s|%%SITE_PERL%%|/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.16|g" Makefile.conf
sed -i '' "s|%%SHARED_MIMEINFO_DIR%%|/usr/local/share/mime/packages|g" Makefile.conf
sed -i '' "s|%%LANG_GTKSOURCEVIEW_DIR%%|/usr/local/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs|g" Makefile.conf
gmake CC=gcc CXX=g++

Run the following commands as root (in directory auto-multiple-choice-1.2.1):

gmake install
update-mime-database /usr/local/share/mime


Remove the following files and directories:
  • /usr/local/bin/auto-multiple-choice
  • /usr/local/lib/AMC/
  • /usr/local/share/applications/auto-multiple-choice.desktop
  • /usr/local/share/auto-multiple-choice/
  • /usr/local/share/doc/auto-multiple-choice/
  • /usr/local/share/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/
  • /usr/local/lib/perl5/sire_perl/5.16/AMC/
  • /usr/local/share/pixmaps/auto-multiple-choice.xpm
  • /usr/local/share/texmf-local/doc/latex/AMC/
  • /usr/local/share/texmf-local/tex/latex/AMC/
  • /usr/local/share/mime/packages/auto-multiple-choice.xml
  • /usr/local/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/amc-txt.lang

Then run the following commands as root:

update-mime-database /usr/local/share/mime

Also you can uninstall unnecessary packages.

RE: Anyone installed AMC on a BSD system? - Added by Nikola Z. Guscic almost 11 years ago

Thank you for the patch and detailed instructions!

I will try to install this over the weekend. If everything goes well I'd like to re-post these instructions
on PC_BSD forum, with your permission.

I'd also like to suggest to web site maintainer to include a link to these instructions in the download area under 'FreeBSD' heading,
for completeness.

