\documentclass[letter]{article} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %%%% %\usepackage{graphicx} %\usepackage{caption} %%%%%% \usepackage[box,completemulti,separateanswersheet]{automultiplechoice} \begin{document} %\includegraphics \AMCrandomseed{1237893} \def\AMCformQuestion#1{{\sc Question #1:}} \setdefaultgroupmode{withoutreplacement} \element{general}{ \begin{question}{prez} %figure % \begin{figure}[!htp] % \begin{center} \includegraphics[scale=.5]{/home/monico/Proyectos-MC/test/images/circulofraccion.png} % \caption{A picture of a toucan.} % \end{center} % \end{figure} %figure Among the following persons, which one has ever been a President of the French Republic? \begin{choices} \correctchoice{René Coty} \wrongchoice{Alain Prost} \wrongchoice{Marcel Proust} \wrongchoice{Claude Monet} \end{choices} \end{question} } \element{general}{ \begin{questionmult}{pref} Among the following cities, which ones are French prefectures? \begin{choices} \correctchoice{Poitiers} \wrongchoice{Sainte-Menehould} \correctchoice{Avignon} \end{choices} \end{questionmult} } \element{general}{ \begin{question}{nb-ue} How many different states were members of the European Union in Jan. 2009? \begin{choiceshoriz}[o] \wrongchoice{15} \wrongchoice{21} \wrongchoice{25} \correctchoice{27} \wrongchoice{31} \end{choiceshoriz} \end{question} } \onecopy{5}{ %%% beginning of the test sheet header: \noindent{\bf QCM \hfill TEST} \vspace*{.5cm} \begin{minipage}{.4\linewidth} \centering\large\bf Test\\ Examination on Jan. 1st, 2008 \end{minipage} \begin{center}\em Duration : 10 minutes. No documents allowed. The use of electronic calculators is forbidden. Questions using the sign \multiSymbole{} may have zero, one or several correct answers. Other questions have a single correct answer. Negative points may be attributed to \emph{very bad} answers. \end{center} \vspace{1ex} %%% end of the header \insertgroup{general} \AMCcleardoublepage % \AMCaddpagesto{3} \AMCformBegin %%% beginning of the answer sheet header {\large\bf Answer sheet:} \hfill \namefield{\fbox{ \begin{minipage}{.5\linewidth} Firstname and lastname: \vspace*{.5cm}\dotfill \vspace*{1mm} \end{minipage} }} \begin{center} \bf\em Answers must be given exclusively on this sheet: answers given on the other sheets will be ignored. \end{center} %%% end of the answer sheet header \AMCform % \AMCaddpagesto{5} } \end{document}