Question statistics from multiple exams

Added by Michal Sojka over 5 years ago


we have a "big" database of questions, from which a few questions is randomly selected for each exam/student. I like to see question statistics after each exam as produced by OpenOffice marks export, but given the random selection of questions, some question is asked only a few times in one exam and the statistic is not representative. Would it be possible to somehow combine the results from multiple exams, which all used the same question database, and generate statistics from this lager "data set"? I expect that something like manual concatenation of some sqlite tables could do the trick, but I'm not sure which tables to concatenate and whether some consistency rules will be violated by this. Any suggestion is appreciated.

Thank you

Replies (4)

RE: Question statistics from multiple exams - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 5 years ago

Maybe you can concatenate the different ODS files, and adjust the formula for each question?

RE: Question statistics from multiple exams - Added by Michal Sojka over 5 years ago

I tried that, but it's quite difficult for two reasons. First, exams do not always contain the same set of questions so on "Marks" tab, one have to manually insert empty columns for questions missing in some exams. Second, the mean percentage is calculated from "white" cells, which are explicitly enumerated in the formula. Extending this enumeration to while cells from other exams (for over hundred students) is tedious. Unfortunately, one cannot use AVERAGEIF function, because the "gray" cells contain invisible zeros. If the gray cells are empty, it would be easier.

Additionally, it would be nice to also have statistics of answers (Question statistics tabs). Here, one would have to align questions from different exams to account for missing questions.

This all is a lot of work, which is better done by computers :)

And BTW, thank you for working on AMC. It's a great tool!


RE: Question statistics from multiple exams - Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 5 years ago

This all is a lot of work, which is better done by computers :)

You're right!
I'm not sure it will be easy to merge SQL databases to use AMC for the job.
Maybe you can script something based on the CSV exports?

RE: Question statistics from multiple exams - Added by Michal Sojka over 5 years ago

Yes, that seems doable. Thank you.
