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After pressing "mark", no scores show up (all question scores are empty)
Added by Kevin Kao over 11 years ago
The problem I have is in the title. What could possibly be going wrong? I set each question to get 1 pt for the correct answer ({b=1})
Replies (7)
RE: After pressing "mark", no scores show up (all question scores are empty)
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago
Maybe your subject file will help to diagnose.
RE: After pressing "mark", no scores show up (all question scores are empty)
Added by Kevin Kao over 11 years ago
Sorry, I'm still new to this software. What do you mean by the subject file?
RE: After pressing "mark", no scores show up (all question scores are empty)
Added by Kevin Kao over 11 years ago
The header/beginning of my source file is:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[box,completemulti,separateanswersheet]{automultiplechoice} \begin{document} \scoringDefaultS{haut=2, p=-1} % correct score = 1; mz = max or zero (for single answer questions) \scoringDefaultM{haut=3, p=-1} % correct score = 1; mz = max or zero (for multiple answer questions)
When I scan the filled-in solutions sheet, the software detects all the filled-in boxes. However, the "show marks" button ends up showing a score of 0 and ? marks.
RE: After pressing "mark", no scores show up (all question scores are empty)
Added by Kevin Kao over 11 years ago
If it helps, here is my source file.
separate.tex (4.4 kB)
RE: After pressing "mark", no scores show up (all question scores are empty)
Added by Roberto González over 11 years ago
I suspect you are not following the appropiate steps after reading the scanned answersheets. Please tell me, step by step, what are you doing in order to process your test.
RE: After pressing "mark", no scores show up (all question scores are empty)
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago
First, you have to move your questions inside the \onecopy{1}
Then, don't use the verbatim
environment inside the questions, since it interferes with AMC. For simple code, you can use something like \texttt{code}
instead. When verbatim
is really needed, you have to store the verbatim content in a box and then use it inside the questions.
RE: After pressing "mark", no scores show up (all question scores are empty)
Added by Alexis Bienvenüe over 11 years ago
For the verbatim
problem, see also verbatim inside questions.